Installation Services


Bolesh Interbiz Limited is your expert partner for installation on small to medium scale renewable energy projects. Our experience combined with our partner network allows us to deliver a full range of installation services.

Installation services include:

    ✔ Site feasibility
    ✔ Financial Analysis
    ✔ Contract Management
    ✔ Civil, Environmental, Geotechnical and Structural Analysis
    ✔ Budget Preparation and Cost Control Analysis
    ✔ Component Selection
    ✔ Permitting and Interconnection
    ✔ Quality Assurance and Quality Control
    ✔ Electrical, Civil and Structural Design
    ✔ Procurement and Cost Controls
    ✔ Construction
    ✔ Project Management
    ✔ Risk Management
    ✔ Subcontractor Management
    ✔ Commissioning and Testing

Bolesh Interbiz Limited to install a quality renewable energy project to meet your financial and performance goals.

Bolesh Interbiz Ltd

Suite B8 Melita Plaza, Area 11, Gark, Abuja
